Kimberely James Price Point protests – stopping the bulldozer, stopping the clearing – day 4 and 5 update

Day 4 and 5 Update

Day 4, 10th June 2011 – After a night spent keeping a close eye on the bulldozer and other equipment protesters continued holding up the Bulldozer. No clearing has taken place and spirits are resolute. At one stage protesters were literally covering the bulldozer with their bodies. A solidarity action was held in Perth – Facebook photos A media flyover resulted in newspaper coverage (see right). The Department of Indigenous Affairs were onsite to assess ongoing concerns regarding damage to cultural sites and heritage.   Day 5 There are now over 100 people and growing at the weather tower near James Price Point stopping the bulldozer from clearing country. All supporters needed to get out there. Save The Kimberley would like to congratulate the women of the Kimberley.. Well done to the Kimberley community on Country! Lead by the Indigenous women supported by many other strong women and backed up by the broader community Woodside contract workers were again turned back today. The bulldozer is surrounded by protesters and no drilling is happening today. The protest continues and all are adamant that there will be no destruction of Country, The womens’ blockade near the Quandong turn off on the Manari road denied access to the site for those who would clear the bush and threaten the aquifers and cultural sites. In discussions with police the Indigenous Traditional Owners for the area emphasized their rights to look after Country and protect their land and culture, referring to the UN declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples (Australia is a signatory to this declaration). After a half day stand off the Woodside contractors turned around and headed back to town. Photos:

Standing strong for Country on the Manari road near James Price Point

The Bulldozer is immobile and is yet to clear an inch of Country at James Price Point - protestors surround the dozer and are watching 24/7

Law Boss and Traditional Custodian for the James Price Point region Joe Roe vigilant at the entrance to where the bulldozer is parked.

Video: The Tale Of Billy The Bulldozer Episode 1 as told while locked on to Billy   Episode 2 Billy is parked up (today)  

  1. […] Norton and 2 other friends shared a link. Kimberely James Price Point protests – stopping the bulldozer, stopping the clearing – day […]

    Pingback by Facebook protest against Woodside Machinery…continued | pindanpost on June 11, 2011 at 11:32 am

  2. That land is blessed. It won’t be violated by a gas plant. Stand strong because I left my heart in the Kimberleys, and I know when i go back some day it will still be at peace!

    Comment by Rosemary on June 11, 2011 at 4:25 pm

  3. […] Days 4 and 5 […]

    Pingback by Welcome to Save The Kimberley. | Save The Kimberley on June 13, 2011 at 4:55 am

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