Blockade at James Price Point day 6 and 7

Day 6 A day of rest. A vigil over the Bulldozer is successful and no clearing is undertaken. Day 7

Early morning light hits the Manari road as many protesters are already in place to turn back Woodside contractors planning to clear Country.

A strong showing of traditional custodians and community are continuing the blockade on the Manari road to James Price Point. No heavy machinery or clearing workers are being allowed past. Protestors and Woodside hired security were on the road from before first light. As of 11 am no clearing workers or machinery had passed the blockade. Once again Traditional custodians lead the negotiations and were supported by community. A moving moment occurred when the Indigenous women of the Kimberley locked arms and joined together in singing, standing strong front and center of the the community protest blockade. We captured a little of this experience on film (below). Save The Kimberley would like to thank all of the protesters and the police for the peaceful and non-violent way in which this blockade has progressed. Stay strong you mob! If you are interested in traveling to the Kimberley to help out look at Want to help Save The Kimberley? or look at what can I do to help and how to write a letter. Media: James Price Point protesters invoke United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Rights ABC Gas hub protest still going strong – The West Australian James Price Point protest continues – SBS featuring podcast Photos: Video: Days 1-6 put together in one great emotional video – must watch (approx 11 mins)   The women sing, short but moving video. Video presentation of today’s (day 7) events  

  1. Great work up there everyone – proudly, nonviolently getting a clear message out to the world – don’t trash the kimberley. It comes across very strongly – thank you all for your patience, perseverance and determination. wonderful! special congratulations to all those who’ve been arrested – that takes courage!!
    Well done. good luck. keep going.
    love to all, Jo vall.

    Comment by Jo Vallentine - on June 13, 2011 at 4:44 pm

  2. […] Days 6 and 7 – great, must see video […]

    Pingback by Welcome to Save The Kimberley. | Save The Kimberley on June 14, 2011 at 2:25 pm

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