Law Boss says "No Deal"

If you listen to WA Premier Barnett and those sections of the media which are cheering his proposals on, you might think that the recent signing on James Price Point had any real substance or was the end of the matter. “Not so” says Joseph Roe: Traditional Owner and Custodian for the protection of the Song Cycle which includes the James Price Point locality. “There is public perception that all Goolarabooloo-Jabirr Jabirr Native Title claimants had agreed on 15/4/09 to the in-principle agreement struck between the WA State Government, Kimberley Land Council and Woodside.

It is crucial for me to clarify that there was no unanimous agreement on that date. In fact on behalf of Goolarabooloo claimants I voted an emphatic NO.”

By way of background, in 2004 Woodside CEO Don Voelte, Kimberley Land Council advisors and Law Bosses from the Northern Tradition (the Song Cycle from the north of the Dampier Peninsula through the proposed LNG precinct site at James Price Point and continuing south to Bidyadanga) came to Mudnun Community on the Dampier Peninsula.” All Law Bosses back then said NO to the proposal of a gas hub anywhere on the Peninsula. Every buru (place/country) has a custodian responsible for the protection and maintenance of that part of the Song Cycle.” ( It is my responsibility under Bugarigaara (Dreamtime) to protect the area through the entire proposed gas precinct. I am not opposed to a gas precinct but I am opposed to the destruction of my culture and heritage.” As the Law Boss, Goolarabooloo will stand and fight to protect Bugarigaara (Dreamtime) and I hope that it is with respect that you see why I will not be signing any agreement to destroy my country.” JOSEPH ROE Law Boss & Custodian Goolarabooloo Further queries: Helene Jedwab:

  1. More privatising of public resources, taking the profits and leaving the cost.

    We can’t lose this one. There have been victories,

    I study environmental history at Sydney Uni. There are people fighting these battles all over the world.

    In Haiti
    [desert in the Caribbean]
    [environmental history]

    [oil explorers]

    [dumping of toxic+nuclear waste]

    [illegal fishing and dumping of toxic+nuclear waste]

    No one will be unaffected by this ongoing loss. Mining is private theft causing inestimable injury to our collective future.

    no one has the right to buy or sell this area.

    Deeply distressed to hear about the situation in the Kimberlies.

    There have been victories,
    let’s make this one of them.

    Comment by Lydia on May 14, 2009 at 12:29 pm

  2. There are very powerful forces that work for separation of land and people. In fact separation of everything. The ancient knowledge that everything is connected and holds the greatest power in love is more of a threat than anything else and they know it. These forces do not want anyone to be able to have a life free of their system or to be in their own power of creation. They want and are gaining total control over every rock, animal, bird and fish on the planet. They poison with intention, will not stop their destructive path and have no consciousness or care. You can not appeal to their better nature – they truly do not have one. They are the wealthiest(in terms of money and ownership) people on the planet. Money is not what they seek. It’s control. Beware, there is more at stake here than anyone could dream of. We must fight for the land and it’s ancient way of life with every ounce of our beings.
    Google search Chemtrails, New world order and zeitgeist for starters and learn of the great evil that is eating up this beautiful planet.

    Comment by thamas on June 8, 2009 at 8:57 pm

  3. That was the biggest load of garbage I have ever heard coming from the WA’S premiers mouth. As if it wouldn’t have any impact on the environment.We lived for many years in the Kimberley. It’s the most untouched, most beautiful area in Australia & that’s the way it should stay. The locals get all the options now that the premier said they would get if the gas plant went ahead. They have the opportunity NOW to do work programs,get housing, get govenment assistance, so what would be different, except to wreck something that should be left natural. NSW river systems & the envionment are stuffed because of mining, industry, etc. I say to the locals, fight-fight against this. Do not let industry take your beautiful land. Keep it as is for your kids & people who love & appreciate it’s beauty.

    Comment by marie billings on June 21, 2009 at 9:58 pm


    Comment by dave hawkins on June 21, 2009 at 10:48 pm

  5. @marie: I too was not happy with Colin Barnett’s words, though not surprised, as he has maintained the same deceptive lines all along.

    He is telling lies about the environment, because:
    1. he is in no position to know the impact of a massive 30sq kilometer gas plant as no Environmental Impact study has been undertaken;
    2. a conga line of ships filling with gas and dumping bilge water full of exotic marine organisms into the worlds 2nd fastest tide just north of the global treasure: Roebuck Bay – visited by a million migratory shorebirds every year, and adjacent to the vast sea-grass meadows of the region which support seven marine turtle species, the last stronghold of Dugong, massive fish hatchery and 6 or 7 species of dolphin, for starters, is certain to destroy these globally important bioregions.

    I’ve also never heard anything so disingenuous as his comments on indigenous Australians and funding for infrastructure in remote areas. Neither he nor previous governments has ever taken any interest in the welfare of these people in the remote Kimberley where they’re “out of sight, out of mind”. They have languished in poverty and bad health for decades, whilst the rest of Australia boomed. Indigenous Australians don’t need “industrial welfare” they need a passage to an honourable, decent, self determined future – assistance to develop their own businesses which honour their ancestors, their descendants, themselves and the country which defines them. And who among us has ever had to sell of their land and heritage in order to have decent hospitals and schools? But now Colin Barnett cares? Give us all a break.

    Barnett also lied about the Kimberley Land Council not being put under pressure. What does he call telling them that he will compulsorily acquire their land if they don’t agree to give it to him and placing a ridiculously short deadline on them to do so?

    Comment by admin on June 22, 2009 at 6:56 am

  6. Im shocked about hearing about the Kimberleys on sixty minutes .This Colin Barnett musnt not really understand what damage that is going to be done other wise he wouldnt be pushing for this to happen.I am a passionate soul of our great land.This cannot be allowed to happen we all need to speak up against this type of distruction.This is one of the last natural phenomenons of our planet .
    We the people need to put a stop to this type of industrial distruction.
    Passionate soul

    Comment by rosalinda on June 22, 2009 at 10:46 am

  7. I’m a simple bloke and have pretty simple needs. I can’t believe that this is even being considered. I’m the first to say that I’m pretty ignorant to much of the indigenous issues and existence in Australia but I don’t believe the rhetoric that this Barnett bloke shovelled up on 60 minutes the other night.
    I’m not an activist by any stretch of the imagination but this needs to be fought for. Whatever way I look at it, it doesn’t add up. Whatever the costs are to building this plant, they’re too much, the risk it too high, it is not worth the slightest possibility that something may go wrong.
    Our great land is also a fragile land. We cannot continue to fail to learn from past lessons. The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing again and again while expecting a different result. Maybe that’s politics.
    Barnett, go back to Perth and leave the Kimberlies alone.

    Comment by Steve on June 22, 2009 at 11:56 pm

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